Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders
Years ago, we owned a dog. His name was Chester. He was the most brilliant and willfully disobedient animal we ever owned. He peed on our Christmas trees and humped our...
Fiction, Nonfiction, and Other Book Reviews
Years ago, we owned a dog. His name was Chester. He was the most brilliant and willfully disobedient animal we ever owned. He peed on our Christmas trees and humped our...
Flashback to the early 1960s. I’m attending a top-rated high school in a New York suburb and the one subject in which I continue to participate wholeheartedly is History. It’s the...
In 2018, Emma Donoghue, author of Room and Wonder, among other novels, began The Pull of the Stars inspired by the one-hundred-year anniversary of the Spanish Flu pandemic which killed millions...
The power of just mercy is that it belongs to the undeserving. It’s when mercy is least expected that it’s most potent–strong enough to break the cycle of victimization and victimhood,...
Yes, we are! And some of us write novels that are always and forever gorgeous. It is impossible to describe in my own words the brilliance of Ocean Vuong, so I...
Enter Jai, a Hindu school-boy, who at nine-years-old loves to watch “Police Patrol” and “Live Crime” on television and seizes an opportunity to play detective himself when children begin disappearing from...
When I set up this blog, the omission of the romance category was intentional. I usually steer clear of the romance genre and I had no idea when I started to...
Years ago, a much-loved Uncle asked if he could come and visit. I was thrilled. He was known for his detailed storytelling and sure enough, after dinner, he settled into a...
Strong Black women form the centerpiece of Margaret Wilkerson Sexton’s Revisioners, which focuses on the power of women, intergenerational trauma, mother-child relationships, caretaking, dementia, and the legacy of white entitlement and...
You don’t have to be a dog lover, (or, more specifically, crazy about bull terriers) to appreciate this informative, graceful, and compassionate story. It is much more than a tale of...