Category: Mystery

The Busy Body by Kemper Donovan

I was on the prowl for a light detective story and after reading the summary of “The Busy Body” in January, 2024 “Library Reads,” I decided this new mystery sounded perfect!...

The Life of Crime by Martin Edwards

I love mysteries and crime fiction. I love reading them and reading about them. In this book, “Martin Edwards has drawn on his experience as an award-winning novelist to capture the...

Lost Son by Brett Forrest

Lost Son is a nonfiction investigative mystery/thriller in which national security reporter Brett Forrest describes his efforts to find out what happened to a young man named Billy Reilly who was...

Every Man a King by Walter Mosley

Every Man a King is the title of a radio address delivered in 1934 by Senator Huey Long of Louisiana. In the speech, Senator Long railed against the concentration of wealth...

Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden

Winter Counts is a fiction story centered on Virgil Wounded Horse and his nephew Nathan, members of the Sicangu Lakota Nation. Virgil works as a private vigilante on the Rosebud Reservation...