Author: Kate

Every Man a King by Walter Mosley

Every Man a King is the title of a radio address delivered in 1934 by Senator Huey Long of Louisiana. In the speech, Senator Long railed against the concentration of wealth...

The Snow Hare by Paula Lichtarowicz

Most of the novels I’ve read set just before, during, and/or after World War II, involve events taking place in Great Britain or Germany, so The Snow Hare, a brutal but...

The Weekend: A Novel by Charlotte Wood

Let us begin with Wendy, on her way to Sylvie and Gail’s beach house, driving her (way past its sell date) car. Sylvie has recently died, and her partner Gail has...

Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden

Winter Counts is a fiction story centered on Virgil Wounded Horse and his nephew Nathan, members of the Sicangu Lakota Nation. Virgil works as a private vigilante on the Rosebud Reservation...

The Furrows: An Elergy by Namwali Serpell

The novel The Furrows was inspired by the death of Namwali Serpell’s sister and the reality that: …people do not die for us immediately, but remain bathed in a sort of...

The Ogress and the Orphans by Kelly Barnhill

This is a story about an ogress. Like all ogres, she spoke little and thought much. She was careful and considerate. Her heavy feet trod lightly on the ground. [p. 1]...

Yellow Wife: A Novel by Sadeqa Johnson

These little nuggets of history that we don’t really talk about. We go to school, we learn all these facts….but we don’t learn these personal stories that become [the foundation for]...