Category: Historical

Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel

To retrieve history we need rigour, integrity, unsparing devotion and an impulse to scepticism. To retrieve the past, we require all those virtues, and something more. If we want added value...

Whale Fall by Elizabeth O’Connor

Set on a fictional Welsh island in 1938, Whale Fall by Elizabeth O’Connor introduces its reader to eighteen-year-old Manod Llan, a lifelong islander, who feels a deep attachment to her small...

Clear by Carys Davies

“The Welsh writer Carys Davies has, over the course of three impeccably elegant novels to date, revealed herself as a model of restraint. Each book has been short and concise, with...

The Warsaw Orphan by Kelly Rimmer

The Warsaw Orphan by Kelly Rimmer “Let the world read and know” I am in awe of how much information Kelly Rimmer poured through to write this book and the incredible...

The Tiffany Girls by Shelley Noble

There sure are a plethora of books published on this topic including “The ‘Lost’ Treasures of Louis Comfort Tiffany,” “Clara and Mr. Tiffany: A Novel,” “Noon at Tiffany’s: An Historical, Biographical...

The Snow Hare by Paula Lichtarowicz

Most of the novels I’ve read set just before, during, and/or after World War II, involve events taking place in Great Britain or Germany, so The Snow Hare, a brutal but...

Yellow Wife: A Novel by Sadeqa Johnson

These little nuggets of history that we don’t really talk about. We go to school, we learn all these facts….but we don’t learn these personal stories that become [the foundation for]...